I can’t say who gave me this passion for sport fishing, which I must admit is quite obsessive. Did it come from my father, who himself inherited it from my grandfather? Was it my uncles who dragged me with them like one of their little brothers to the four corners of Quebec?

What I am certain of is that it is thanks to the trust my mother always had in the little guy I was that I became the man I am today.

By giving me the freedom to travel streams, lakes and rivers as I pleased, I realized quite young that I was part of a complex and fragile nature that surpasses that of man. Faced with insurmountable challenges, I always had the impression that Mother Nature kept a place for me where I was always welcome and where everything regained its meaning.

Fishing for me is more than a passion, it is a way of life, a way of seeing things, a privileged contact with what is true.

From this passion was born very great friendships. I still have today the same great “buddies” that I had when I was little, and this, despite the distance and the choice of life of each one.

From this passion was also born several discords in my relationships, but that is another story … Not easy to find the soul mate when you put your passion at the top of the list.

When we were younger, it was competition between us, the little fishermen. It was the one who caught the most. Over time, the trophy mentality set in … and by the same token, the well-kept secret of discoveries leading to success. And over the years, when I started dragging my little cousin with me (and sharing my fishing secrets bit by bit!), I realized that it is not enough to excel in any field but that there is great wealth in sharing our knowledge.

It is with this in mind that I became a professional fishing guide, that I work as an expert advisor in the field of fishing and that I offer you this site.

When I was younger, I dreamed of earning my living as a professional fisherman, today it is a dream come true.
